To ensure a precise fit for your door, it’s essential to measure the gap across the middle of the frame. You might be surprised to find that some of your doors have varying measurements, which is normal. To make the process easier, download our “Measuring How To Guide” below use the table on page 2 to record all your measurements.
The average width is 762mm.

Similar to Step 1, it is crucial to include the height measurements of your doors. To do this grab a tape measure and measure from the top of the door to the bottom. As always you can use the table on page 2 of our “Measuring How To Guide” to assist you taking notes.
The average height is 1980mm.

Door sizes and thickness can vary; the average thickness for a UK door is around 35mm. Once you’ve completed Step 1 and noted the width, proceed to Step 2 to determine the height. After completing this step, take a look at the final step before sending your details back to us.

Not all internal doors in your home will be the same size or thickness. Often, we find that bathroom doors, especially, differ. To be on the safe side, please make sure to measure each door individually. Feel free to use our table on page 2 of our “Measuring How To Guide” to help.